St Francis Day resource

We’re delighted to bring you a new resource from The Arthur Rank Centre – St Francis Day

ARC Beyond Consumerism St Francis Day A4 2024

Looking for a way to engage your congregation with issues of animal welfare and creation care?

Our Beyond Consumerism resource for St Francis’ Day (4th October 2024) is designed to help churches reflect on our relationship with animals and the environment, promoting a thoughtful balance between consumption and stewardship.

This flexible resource offers ideas for holding animal-themed worship events or services, providing a space to give thanks for animals and reflect on our responsibilities towards them. From planning a pet-friendly event to using discovery points and prayer stations, there’s plenty of inspiration for creative, missional engagement with your community.

Perfect for churches in rural areas, or any community with a passion for animals, this resource includes worship materials, prayers, fascinating facts about animal welfare, and music suggestions. Whether you choose to organise a special service or adapt the ideas into your regular Sunday worship, this is an excellent opportunity to build connections and encourage care for God’s creation.

Download the Beyond Consumerism resource now and plan an event that honours St Francis’ love for all creatures!

World Environment Day

It is imperative that we care for our world. The challenges are rising.

We hope that this new resource will be helpful to you in bringing the urgent need to care for the environment before church congregations.

Featuring helpful articles, prayers, liturgy, music suggestions and craft activities, Revd Helen Bent has once again brought a thoughtful and accessible resource before us.

Download now in preparation for the day.

Please let us know when you use this, and send us pictures or news articles for us to feature on the web site, in our newsletter and in social media – thank you.


ARC World Environment Day A4 2024

World Environment Day – Additional Resources from Transforming Worship

Please find below a link to download a bonus resource for worship with music, liturgy, further reading and additional links & resources for use on World Environment Day.


Our thanks to Transforming Worship for this very helpful resource.


Transforming Worship Environment Additional Resources Sheet


Earth Day resource for churches and groups – April 22nd 2024

We are delighted to bring our new resource to you for 2024, focused on Earth Day on April 22nd this year.

Continuing our Beyond Consumerism focus, it explores how our care for creation is essential with the many challenges including the climate crisis.

It contains a helpful outline and history of the day, insightful thoughts and reflections, together with service, prayer and worship music suggestions.

Let us know where you use this, and if you can, please send us pictures to share, either by email or via our Social Media.

Click here to download – ARC Earth Day A4 2024


Plough Sunday at St Winwaloe

St Winwaloe Church, near Launceston, Cornwall, held a Plough Sunday service this month. The service was conducted by Caroline Stone, Local Worship Leader to bless the plough and pray for a fruitful harvest season.

The church used resources from The Arthur Rank Centre, which provides resources, support, training, and advocates for rural churches. The Plough Sunday service is the first agricultural festival of the year and is traditionally held on the first Sunday of January.

The service was attended by local parishioners, who were delighted to be part of the tradition, and all keen and willing to be involved as together they explored the significance of the Plough Sunday service.

The church has a long history and is dedicated to St Winwaloe, a Breton saint who is said to have lived in the 6th century. It is the smallest parish church in Cornwall, at 12 feet wide and 40 feet long, and continues to provide a rich ministry to the local community.

Read more of the church’s history and heritage here.

Plough Sunday 2024

We are delighted as ever to bring you a helpful Plough Sunday resource for services in January 2024. Traditionally it would have taken place on the very first Sunday of the year, but perhaps you might like to develop the service for a different Sunday in the month.

Although Plough Sunday traditionally coincides with Epiphany, in a group of churches – i.e. Anglican multi-benefice or Methodist circuit – more could be made of it to create a bigger event.

The New Year Resolutions provide opportunities and challenges to involve families and the local school.

The resource includes a ready worked service with a New Year Pledge, based on the Methodist Covenant service.

Please do let us know if you are using this resource, and remember to send us any pictures or media coverage etc so that we can share this among rural communities far and wide.

Every blessing to you.

Plough Sunday 2024 Hi-Res

Advent 2023 – Beyond Consumerism

Our Beyond Consumerism Advent resource provides an opportunity to ‘do December differently’.

It embraces the radical challenges of Advent in the light of the cost of living crisis but also the world problems of consumerism, fair trade and climate change.

Why not try the Advent calendar to make space each day to engage with advent themes while earthing them in real life, or use the cries of the prophets to put a different emphasis on the lighting of the Advent wreath.

Download it here – ARC Beyond Consumerism Advent – 2023

With every blessing for this Advent Season.

Rev’d Matt Jeffrey



Rural Ministry Course reflections

Having recently returned from the October 2023 Rural Ministry Course, we felt it good to provide a reflection on just how well it went…

Read on, and find a link to bookings for the 2 courses in 2024…


“A well put together and worthwhile course. Just what I needed at this point in my ministry. Thank you.” – Oct 23 participant.

When you’re new in leadership within the context of rural mission & ministry the role can feel slightly overwhelming and leave you unsure of where to start. Gathering with others in similar situations to take time out to pray, eat, learn & journey together can really help.

Participants received thought-provoking, practical, & encouraging input from experienced practitioners around the topics of rural contexts, mission, faith-rooted community organising, agriculture, leadership, inter-generational wild worship & evangelism – all whilst forming a supportive, ecumenical community that even continues beyond the course.

Our most recent gathering took place in October, with twenty three rural leaders from five different denominations. We left filled with hope and encouragement for the journey ahead and are looking forward to reconnecting online next term.


“Really helpful – practical, inspiring & encouraging!”- Oct 23 RMC participant.

The course is designed for lay & ordained leaders new to a rural context, entering a rural appointment for the first time, or in need of a ‘rural refresher’.

1-2nd May, 2024 at Yarnfield, Staffs.
2-3rd Oct, 2024 at King’s Park, Northampton.

Spaces are limited and can get booked up quickly. Come & join us for a future course : Click here for more information and to make your booking.

New Harvest resource for 2023

We are delighted to offer a new Harvest resource for this year.

Once again, this has been carefully curated by Revd Helen Bent, and we are grateful for the input and creativity in bringing this to you.

We always love to hear where the resources are used, so please do let us know, and even send in your pictures for our Social Media, or tag us in your own articles.

Every blessing to you as you prepare and gather together.

Revd Matt Jeffrey

Arthur Rank Centre CEO

Click here to download ARC Harvest 2023

Rogation Sunday – 14th May 2023

Our 2023 worship resources continue to relate to the Arthur Rank Centre’s Beyond Consumerism project.

Here we explore Rogation rituals alongside food and social justice. Alongside locally grown produce, we are used to round the-year imports of a vast array of fresh food often at the expense of those who have grown it.

This year let us remember to ask for God’s protection and blessing on farming communities and their crops not only here at home but around the world.

Click here to download a PDF to read and print freely – ARC Rogation Sunday Material A4 2023

Please do credit The Arthur Rank Centre when used.

We always love to hear how and where you have used the resource – please let us know.