How can I make a donation to The Arthur Rank Centre?
- We can now accept online donations, therefore if you can consider donating to our work, please visit our new CAF Donate page here (Opens in new tab). Here you can set up a regular donation via Direct Debit, or make a one off donation.
- If you would prefer to pay directly into our bank account please use Sort Code: 40-52-40 / Account Number: 00036336
- You can send your cheque, made out to “The Arthur Rank Centre”, by post to: The Arthur Rank Centre, The View, 9 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick. CV35 8AQ.
Please write your full name on the back of the cheque for our reference.
If you have any queries regarding your donations payment, you can contact our team via email on: