43 search results for: cw82/page/3/024-7685-3060


Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 1. Looking after your building and its contents

…to historic objects and understand the causes of deterioration. They are listed in alphabetical order so you will need to scroll down. www.churchofengland.org/more/church-resources/churchcare/advice-and-guidance-church-buildings?search=&sort_bef_combine=title%20ASC&sort_by=title&sort_order=ASC&page=0 There is practical advice on managing conservation…


We are recruiting !

…about the history, heritage and work of the Arthur Rank Centre please visit our Home page, or for a conversation about this post, please phone Rev’d Matt Jeffrey (CEO) on…


Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): Introduction

…Partnership and Funding Officer, Diocese of Hereford How to use this resource These pages will offer general guidance and then signpost you to relevant organisations and their websites where you…