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- Pilgrimage: A guide for creating the journey
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- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): Index
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 1. Looking after your building and its contents
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 10. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 11. Guidance on Introducing New Art Work
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 12. Other Building Issues
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 13. Other Resources
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 2. Undertaking repairs and/or making changes to your church building
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 3. Repairing the building’s fabric
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 4. Churchyards
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 5. Funding and Fundraising
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 6. Setting up a Friends Group
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 7. Getting the Most Out of Your Church Building/s
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 8. Opening up your Place of Worship
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): 9. Education and Working with Schools
- Rural Church Buildings Resource (2019): Introduction
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Posts by category
- Category: Church Life
- Category: Country Way
- Category: Country Way Magazine
- Category: Featured News
- An Open Letter to the Farming Community.
- Advent 2023 – Beyond Consumerism
- Harvest 2022
- Rural Ministry Course June 2022
- ARC sadness on news of the death of Revd Elizabeth Clark
- Week 57: Still together, apart
- Week 56: Do not fear – you are mine
- Week 55: Discerning God’s direction
- Week 54: Hopeful yearning
- Week 53: Hope, confidence and courage
- Week 52: Good trees, good fruit
- Week 51: The joy of not fitting in
- Week 50: Trust, courage and blessing
- Week 49: Can these bones live?
- Week 48: Nearly back to normal?
- Week 49: Doorposts and Thresholds
- Week 46: They will build houses and dwell in them
- Week 45: Bright spots on the horizon
- Week 44: A challenge and a comfort
- Week 45: Hope Springs
- Week 44: Praise the Lord!
- Week 43: Ask a silly question
- Week 42: Hallelujah he is risen!
- Week 41: Hope springs forth
- Week 40: Forget-me-not
- Week 39: What a year
- Week 38: What makes a good place to live?
- VACANCY: Charitable Trust and Corporate Fundraiser
- Week 37: Looking back, looking forward
- Week 36: Hopeful or hesitant?
- Week 35: God’s imprint on creation
- Rural Isolation and Loneliness – Now Available in Welsh
- Week 35: Signs of promise
- Week 34: The plans we have
- Week 34: Be still and know
- Week 33: Children of the Kingdom
- Week 32: Longing for justice
- Week 31: Happy new year?!
- Week 30: Wisdom and waiting
- Week 29: Christmas in your heart
- Advent 3: Are you the one?
- Advent 2: On wings like eagles
- Advent 1: A Beginning
- Week 25: A New Covenant
- Week 24: ‘Generation COVID’ or Generation Hope?
- Week 23: Setting a good example
- Week 22: Praise God for the law!
- Week 21: Whose voice are you listening to?
- Week 20: Holding onto the truth
- Obituary: Peter Tacon
- Week 19: The glory, majesty and wonder of God
- Week 18: Dreaming dreams
- Week 17: Coming home?
- Week 16: Lamenting in hope
- Week 15: A marathon, not a sprint
- Week 10: Rural Response
- Week 12: Stillness in the storm
- Week 9: Sadness turned to joy
- Coronavirus, Church & You Survey
- Week 8: Are we truly disciples of Jesus…really?
- Week 7: A mother’s request
- Week 6: Who are you?
- Week 5: He is here
- Week 4: This is really him
- Week 3: And it was night…
- Week 2: He is here
- Week 1: Things are going to be different from now on
- Supporting farmers across the UK
- Weather and Farming, Spring 2020
- Fabric grant funding made easier for churches
- All change at Germinate Enterprise
- Responding to flooding
- Category: Latest News
- Position Filled – Join Our Team: Part-Time Administrator – Position Filled
- New Church Tourism Resource ‘Discover Churches: A Toolkit for Welcoming Visitors’
- Budget Response – Autumn 2024
- Recent Rural Mission and Ministry Course reflections, and 2025 bookings open
- Planting Hope for Rural Churches and Communities
- The joys of a Show Chaplain…
- St Francis Day resource
- The power of a bacon butty
- Could you be a Treasurer Trustee for the ARC ?
- Wassailing as Rural Mission February 2024
- Plough Sunday at St Winwaloe
- January 2024 – New Rural Hidden Hardship research out now…
- Plough Sunday 2024
- Rural Ministry Course reflections
- New Harvest resource for 2023
- Rogation Sunday – 14th May 2023
- 2023 Lent Course now available here.
- CEO announcement
- All We Can: Responding to Cyclone Idai
- Supporting the Farming Community
- All is safely gathered in?
- City Food Lecture 2018
- Germinate celebrates with Coventry Diocese
- Germinate Enterprise wins bronze!
- Social enterprises and rural places of worship
- Resource Churches for Rural Areas
- A Discipling Presence
- Countryside compassion for the city
- Strategies for mission and growth
- Access to fair finance in rural areas
- Does it matter where our food comes from?
- Reflecting on rural mission in Cornwall
- Germinate Enterprise recognised by Cinnamon Network
- Come and join us! We’re recruiting…
- Jan 2017 Country Way now available
- Fresh Expression Rural Conference, 22-24 May 2017
- Beat the price rise! Rural Ministry Course April 2017
- Category: Mission
- Category: Other Resources
- Category: Training
- World Environment Day
- World Environment Day - Additional Resources from Transforming Worship
- Rogation Sunday 2024
- Earth Day resource for churches and groups - April 22nd 2024
- Digi Media and Comms Officer app form 0123
- Lent Course 2024
- Plough Sunday 2023
- Beyond Consumerism Advent 2022
- Harvest 2022
- Rogation Sunday service resource
- Plough Sunday 2022
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Nehemiah, rural ministry and reconciliation
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Living out reconciliation for families
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Walk and pray, care and share God’s love this Christmas with the Oikos app
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Bags of Blessing for isolating people during the pandemic
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Overcoming barriers across the Irish border
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Lessons learnt from Foot and Mouth
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Parliamentary column
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Healing church division
- CW88 - Reconciliation: Occasions come together
- CW88 - Reconcilation: Rural Roundup
- CW88 - Reconcilation: Rural Roundup
- Pilgrimage
- Rogation Sunday 2021
- CW86: Growing Together in Townend Community Garden
- CW86: Increase in Crisis Calls to FCN Helpline During Pandemic
- CW86: The Rhythm of God’s Grace
- CW86: The Rhythm of God’s Grace
- CW86: Walking with – or Cycling for – Farmers
- CW86: CALMtown Wellbeing Movement
- CW86: Sacraments of Kindness
- CW86: ‘Not Good for Man to be Alone’: Reflections on COVID-19 from a Catholic Parish Priest
- CW86: Honest Conversation: Trauma, Lament, God and the Church
- Country Way 86 - February 2020
- CW85: Anna Chaplaincy
- Plough Sunday 2021
- Country Way 85 - October 2020
- Country Way 84 - June 2020
- Using Zoom for church services
- CW84: A God of surprises
- CW84: Book review
- CW84: Box pew or ball pit
- CW84: Coronavirus rural roundup
- CW84: Heaven in ordinary
- CW84: Losing your voice
- CW84: Pilgrim paths
- CW84: Year of the burial ground
- Easter 2020: Rural Reflections
- Easter 2020: Rural Reflections - Easter Sunday
- Rogation 2020: A liturgy for use online
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Easter Sunday
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Holy Saturday
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Good Friday
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Maundy Thursday
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Wednesday of Holy Week
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Tuesday of Holy Week
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Monday of Holy Week
- Holy Week reflections 2020: Palm Sunday
- Lent Sunday 2020 Morning Prayer
- Passion Sunday 2020 material
- Families Worship @ Home 2
- Families Worship @ Home 1
- Scattered Church: Worship at Home on Mothering Sunday
- Prayers for when you feel anxious
- Windows and prayer
- Mothers Day 2020
- Worship at Home
- Arthur Rank Centre application form
- Country Way 83 – February 2020
- CW83: And who is my neighbour?
- CW83: Ethical Evangelism
- CW83: Farmers' day at the cricket
- CW83: Food ethics
- CW83: Let the land produce
- CW83: Memory, Meaning and Mission
- CW83: Parenting for Faith
- CW83: Rains from Heaven and Fruitful Seasons
- CW83: Rural isolation and loneliness
- CW83: Saying thank you
- CW83: Sharing God's blessings
- CW83: Transport Troubles
- Country Way 82 - October 2019
- CW82: Walking out with Jesus!
- CW82: In harmony
- CW82: A church for all
- CW82: Our identity as disciple-makers
- CW82: Beliefs or values?
- CW82: Salt, light and feet of clay
- CW82: What you see is what you get
- CW82: What do we mean by 'rural'?
- CW82: From little acorns...
- CW82: In the image of God
- CW82: Christmas in the pub
- CW82: An unlikely story
- Germinate Lecture 2019: full transcript
- Worshipping Together: a toolkit for rural churches
- Country Way 81 - June 2019
- CW81: Learning to Lead
- CW81: Live The Life
- CW81: Living life and talking Jesus
- CW81: Modern slavery - a rural reality
- CW81: National Love Your Burial Ground Week
- CW81: New National Rural Officer for the Church of England
- CW81: Ringing the changes
- CW81: Tea at The Tower
- CW81: Walk Church
- CW81: Book Reviews
- CW81: Called to be present
- CW81: Chapel-le-Dale Church
- CW81: From chaos and absurdity
- CW81: Holy Habits
- CW81: Kirkheaton Cairns
- Country Way 80 - February 2019
- CW80: Building hope-filled communities
- CW80: Church, Community and Doodling
- CW80: Community, music and fun
- CW80: Deep wells and green pastures
- CW80: Encountering God - sacred spaces
- CW80: New housing, new homes
- CW80: Rural Church schools serving communities across Britain
- CW80: A countryside sanctuary
- CW80: A Servant Church - hospitality, friendship and compassion
- CW80: Accessible Welcome
- CW80: Attracting Attention - the Easter Discovery Trail
- CW80 Online Exclusive: New housing area in Coventry Diocese
- Carols and nativity service for nursing homes
- Nursing home service for people with dementia
- Country Way 79 - October 2018
- CW79 Online Exclusive: IRCA Conference 2018
- CW79 Online Exclusive: Make your own poppies
- CW79: RAF100
- CW79: 'Remember Me'
- CW79: Remembering our routes
- CW79: Remembering Ryton
- CW79: We Shall Remember Them
- CW79: All gave some, but some gave all
- CW79: Dulce et Decorum Est?
- CW79: Entrusted with bringing the hope of God
- CW79: From isolation to integration - Abi’s story
- Accessible Welcome: A toolkit for rural churches
- CW79: Just a name?
- CW79: Lord Plumb - A farmers life
- CW79 Online Exclusive: A fulltime ministry in the agricultural community
- Rural Isolation and Loneliness: A toolkit for rural churches
- Country Way 78 - June 2018
- Country Way 77 - February 2018
- Country Way 76
- Country Way 75 - May 2017
- CW78: Growing Together resources section
- CW78 Online Exclusive: That they may be one - unity through cricket
- CW78 Online Exclusive: Growing a Compassionate Community
- CW78: Growing Together
- CW78: Harborough Resourcing Church
- CW78: Lambing service in a barn
- CW78: Missional Listening
- CW78: Plough Sunday at St Stephen’s, Sulby
- CW78: Where's the growth?
- CW78: Young people taking a lead in mission
- Country Way Magazine 74 - January 2017
- CW78: Growing together in mission and ministry
- CW78: Growing Together - Crossing Borders
- CW78 Online Exclusive: Creative outreach in Cornwall
- CW 78: Germinate Leadership - a participant’s perspective
- CW78 Online Exclusive: Who Let The Dads Out? Personal stories of transformation
- CW 78: Borderlands Butty Van
- CW78 Online Exclusive: 15 years of reaching dads
- CW78: A vicar's life
- CW78 Online Exclusive: A Vicar’s Life - Hereford Diocese press release
- Table Talk and Puzzling Questions: a rural dimension?
- CW77: God’s Belongers
- CW77: Parish Nursing: good health and engaging community
- CW77: Always room for one more
- CW77: Alzheimer’s Disease: a personal journey
- CW77: Churches Linking Lives in rural communities
- CW77: Easter Journey in Langwathby
- CW77: Farming isolation: a personal perspective
- CW77: From loneliness to friendship
- CW77: Making a difference in Denby Dale
- CW77: Messy and rural: Messy Church in rural communities
- CW77: Messy Ramblings: stories from rural Messy Churches
- CW77: Roaming disabled driver visits 650 Gloucestershire churches for Ride+Stride
- CW77: Rural Isolation: local and global
- CW77: Tackling Rural Isolation in the Parish of Pilling
- CW77: The Tent and the Tree
- CW77: Belonging becomes believing
- CW77: Rural Isolation and Loneliness resources section
- CW76 Sharing Faith resources section
- Open Welcome: A toolkit for rural churches
- CW76: Bearing good news starts with being good news
- CW76: Borderlands Rural Chaplaincy
- CW76: Can mission be comfortable?
- CW76: Church – not just for Christmas!
- CW76: Evangelism: The overflow of a grateful heart
- CW76: If you want to reach out… open the door!
- CW76: Making a Journey to Faith
- CW76: Pioneering Community Chaplaincy in Melton Mowbray
- CW76: The Village Prayer Mission
- CW76: This Life, Live It! 2017
- CW76: Thy Kingdom Come in Shopshire
- CW75: Fresh air, fields and friendship
- CW75: Going through the gate
- CW75: Growing a rural church
- CW75: Hospitality away from home: Reflections on the Jungle
- CW75: Mystery Worshippers and a Ministry of Welcome
- CW75: When I was in prison…
- CW75: Rural foodbanks: hospitality, help and hope
- CW75: Rural Roundup
- CW75: Whatever you do...
- CW75: xxx2
- CW76: Tis the season… to make connections
- CW76 Online Exclusive: xxx2
- CW76 Online Exclusive: xxx1
- CW75: Everybody Welcome!
- CW75: Brexit: A time for unity
- CW75: A day out in the countryside
- CW75: Younger and deeper
- CW75 Online Exclusive: An accessible welcome
- CW75 Online Exclusive: The Rural Tradition
- CW75 Online Exclusive: Church as guest
- CW75 Online Exclusive: Far too welcoming
- CW75 Online Exclusive: Getting stuck in
- CW75 Online Exclusive: Messy Church Southam
- CW75 Online Exclusive: Moor Church
- Blessing the Plough and new born lamb
- Blessing of soil
- Equipping for Rural Mission: Participant's pack
- Equipping for Rural Mission: Facilitator Guide