World Environment Day

It is imperative that we care for our world. The challenges are rising.

We hope that this new resource will be helpful to you in bringing the urgent need to care for the environment before church congregations.

Featuring helpful articles, prayers, liturgy, music suggestions and craft activities, Revd Helen Bent has once again brought a thoughtful and accessible resource before us.

Download now in preparation for the day.

Please let us know when you use this, and send us pictures or news articles for us to feature on the web site, in our newsletter and in social media – thank you.


ARC World Environment Day A4 2024

World Environment Day – Additional Resources from Transforming Worship

Please find below a link to download a bonus resource for worship with music, liturgy, further reading and additional links & resources for use on World Environment Day.


Our thanks to Transforming Worship for this very helpful resource.


Transforming Worship Environment Additional Resources Sheet


Rogation Sunday 2024

Rogation Sunday 2024

Earth Day resource for churches and groups – April 22nd 2024

We are delighted to bring our new resource to you for 2024, focused on Earth Day on April 22nd this year.

Continuing our Beyond Consumerism focus, it explores how our care for creation is essential with the many challenges including the climate crisis.

It contains a helpful outline and history of the day, insightful thoughts and reflections, together with service, prayer and worship music suggestions.

Let us know where you use this, and if you can, please send us pictures to share, either by email or via our Social Media.

Click here to download – ARC Earth Day A4 2024


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Lent Course 2024

Lent is such a precious season as we draw ever closer towards the cross.

This study guide has been written with a focus on feasting and fasting and enables space to reflect on the many aspects of food for today. Whether social justice, the environment, our approach to animal welfare, producers of our food, the wider impact of this and the sacramental aspects of food, each topic draws us into a new awareness, and helpfully encourages reflection and growth.

May your faith be nourished, and your hope increased.

Every blessing to you as you journey with and through this.


Plough Sunday 2023

A new year brings opportunities to bless, pray for and focus on those who will work the land, and the eventual fruits of their labour. This fine resource helps us to consider how we might creatively extend our attention, crafted beautifully and carefully as always by Rev’d Helen Bent. We offer it to you with an open hand, such that you might offer blessings for and create deeper connections with your own community.

Please credit the Arthur Rank Centre on any materials or online content (including social media) that you create which draws on our material or includes our images. 

Beyond Consumerism Advent 2022

“We’re delighted to be able to bring to you our wonderful new resource to support churches in preparations for the coming advent season. To be able to approach the season with fresh thinking, and to support our rural churches with such helpful, thoughtful, and adaptable resources is so important. We do hope that you enjoy reading and using them through the coming Advent season and we would love to hear from you on how the resource impacted the season for you. Our thanks go to Rev’d Helen Bent who so beautifully wrote and crafted this for you to use and enjoy!”

Rev’d Matt Jeffrey CEO of The Arthur Rank Centre



Harvest 2022

This year, we want to encourage churches use their harvest festival celebrations as an opportunity to thank farmers for all they do for us.  As the effects of COVID-19 continue to unfold, it’s impossible to predict the circumstances under which we will be celebrating our harvest festivals this year. Therefore, we’ve suggested ways in which you and your church community could celebrate either in individual households or as a gathered church.