Resource Churches for Rural Areas
Tuesday 28 November 2017, 10.30am-4pm, the Church Army Wilson Carlile Centre, Sheffield.
A day conference to learn more about and explore the opportunities for resource churches in rural areas of England. There will be plenty of time for discussion and opportunity to hear from those who are already working in this way.
Confirmed speakers include Rachel Jordan-Wolf (Mission and Evangelism), Stephen Mawditt (Fountains of Life), Pete Atkins (Threshold), Barry Hill (Leicester) and the Church Army Research Unit. There will be a short video of the story of Latimer Minster.
Full programme to follow.
We are making use of the wonderful hospitality of the Church Army Wilson Carlile Centre in Sheffield, 10.30am for 11am start, with the day finishing at 4pm. A hot lunch will be provided. Cost £48.