40 search results for: cw78


CW78: Growing Together

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘growth’? Perhaps you think of the children in your family and their development from dependent babies to capable, creative teenagers….


CW78: Harborough Resourcing Church

Back in January, St Dionysius, one of five churches in the Harborough Anglican Team, launched its first new congregation. The 9:15am worshipping community is a new weekly, all-age led congregation…


CW78: Lambing service in a barn

Brooksby Melton College’s Hall Farm was the venue for the 10th annual Lambing Service for the Upper Wreake Parish. The congregation arrived by tractor and trailer and after the service…


CW78: Missional Listening

We live in a changing world in which it can seem like inherited models of church and mission are no longer bearing the fruit they once did. As we struggle…


CW78: Where’s the growth?

At the beginning of the year I was asked a lot about A Vicar’s Life, the BBC TV series which followed a number of clergy in the Diocese of Hereford….