Fresh Expression Rural Conference, 22-24 May 2017

Dying to Live is the latest event from the Rural Fresh Expressions Hub. They are seeking to gather practitioners from across denominations and from rural areas right across the country and to come together at the Hayes Centre in Swanick for 48 hours of storytelling, praying, connecting and reflecting on the theme of making and growing disciples in the countryside.

The Rural Hub particularly want to gather those who are passionate about following Christ in the countryside, who long to help others find faith and who have either started, planted or intend to plant a Fresh Expression of Church in the countryside.

The gathering takes place from 22-24 May 2017 at the Hayes Conference Centre, Swanick, Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 1AU.

The gathering costs £160 with reductions for young adults and early bookings.  For a booking form contact or visit their online form.

Beat the price rise! Rural Ministry Course April 2017

The price for attending the Rural Ministry Course will rise to £255 per course on Wednesday 1 February: so this is your last chance to attend for the lower price of £245. Details below.

Rural Ministry Course, 25-27 April 2017

25-27 April 2017 at Kings Park, Northampton.

Bookings are now open for the April 2017 Rural Ministry Course. It’s a three-day residential course for lay and ordained people who are new to rural ministry, and explores current rural contexts, mission and ministry in multiple places, leadership and working with children and young people in the countryside. It is ecumenical and suitable for those in their first appointment or wanting a refresher.


For more details and a booking form please email